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Lady of Shalott

Stéphane Clément T14

Date de parution : 9 juin 2017

Éditeur : Le Lombard
Illustrateur : Ceppi
Coloriste : Ceppi
Collection :
Série : Stéphane Clément
Catégorie : Espionnage
Public : 18
Isbn 9782803635801
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Description de Lady of Shalott

Stéphane Clément T14 Lady of Shalott is a graphic novel written by Eric Corbeyran and illustrated by Lucio Leoni Ceppi. The story follows Stéphane Clément, a detective who investigates gruesome murders that replicate famous artworks. With the help of a police officer from the Brigade des Enquêtes Réservées, Stéphane tries to solve the mystery before more people die. Cynthia, Stéphane's partner, manages to link each murder to a particular painting, unlocking the investigation during her festival of living paintings. Stéphane Clément T14 Lady of Shalott's plot is well-crafted, and the background of a modern Swiss city blends perfectly with the classic construction of the storyline.

Critique de Lady of Shalott

The graphic novel's strongest point is the impeccably crafted investigation plot, which keeps the reader engaged from the beginning. However, the central character of Stéphane Clément feels secondary to the story. The authors could have developed him more, giving him a more significant role in the investigation. Although the artwork by Ceppi has evolved greatly throughout the series, it is just above average in this particular book. The classic structure of the story blends well with the modern setting, but there is nothing particularly innovative in this Lombard's album. The story seems to lack some creativity, which would have added value to the work. All in all, Stéphane Clément T14 Lady of Shalott is an average graphic novel that'll have the reader engaged, but not blown away.
13Note générale
8Scénario / ambiance
11Illustration / couleur
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