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couverture comics Chienne de vie

Chienne de vie

The Fix T2

Date de parution : 10 mai 2019

Éditeur : Urban Comics
Collection : Urban Indies
Série : The Fix
Catégorie : Thriller - Policier
Public : 18
Isbn 9791026812999
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Description de Chienne de vie

The Fix T2 Chienne de Vie follows the story of two corrupt cops named Roy and Mac who are in dire need of money to repay a dangerous mafia boss. When their plan to rob an ex-mobster in a nursing home fails, things get even more complicated when the starlet they were supposed to protect is found dead. This second installment of The Fix is a hilarious parody of detective stories with a cast of pathetic characters. The humor is cleverly referenced to cinema and Hollywood making it a must-read for fans of dark humor.

Critique de Chienne de vie

The Fix T2 Chienne de Vie is a brilliant parody of detective stories in the same vein as Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Nick Spencer's dialogue is sharp and witty, while the characters are all incredibly pathetic in their own way. The mayor of L.A. is a standout character, and Bretzel, the customs dog, is a hilarious secondary character. The references to cinema and Hollywood add a layer of humor that elevates the entire story. Overall, The Fix is a must-read for anyone looking for a hilarious and offbeat comic book series.

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