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couverture comics Le feu de la création

Le feu de la création

The Shadow T1

Date de parution : 28 août 2013

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Scénariste : Garth Ennis
Coloriste : Mitch Breitweiser
Collection : 100% Fusion Comics
Série : The Shadow
Catégorie : Espionnage
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809432749
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Description de Le feu de la création

The Shadow is back in this first volume, written by Garth Ennis and published by Panini Comics. The story is set in 1938 during the Japanese occupation of China when Lamont Cranston, alias The Shadow, is recruited by the American secret services to prevent a mysterious cargo from falling into enemy hands. He is accompanied by Pat Finnegan, an agent not accustomed to field work. The narrative combines espionage and adventure and is meticulous and respectful of historical facts, although it is weighed down by too many dialogues. Garth Ennis offers an effective narrative mechanic, brought to life by Aaron Campbell's artwork, which oscillates between good and average.

Critique de Le feu de la création

The return of The Shadow with this first volume is quite successful, although it is overshadowed by a profusion of dialogues that slows down the pace of certain sequences. The story combines espionage and adventure and fits into a meticulous and respectful historical background, taking the reader on a global plot where the hero shows intelligence and efficiency. Although Aaron Campbell's illustrations lack finesse and are somewhat rigid, it doesn't spoil the overall experience. Fans will be pleased with the return of their favourite hero.
4Note générale
5Scénario / ambiance
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